

Women in Ministry in the Bible

Over the past several weeks, there’s been much ado about the brouhaha with the Southern Baptist Convention voting out two churches whose offense was having a woman in a pastoral role. You can read more about it in the links at the bottom of the article. Although I’m not a Southern Baptist, I feel a need to say something about it for two reasons. First, I’m a pastor in a…

Why Policy Matters – It’s about People

I’m writing this post on a Wednesday morning – the Wednesday after the tragic shooting in an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. Like all of us, I suspect, I’m overwhelmed with emotion in hearing this story. I’m hurt and angry and despairing and fully aware that my feelings are a single teardrop in…

Maundy Thursday

Many of you have responded to me about the Maundy Thursday… service? Event? Thing? However we might describe it, I knew how I wanted it to feel and I think the evening accomplished that. I’m grateful to all the people who helped to make it so. It felt… well, we’ll get back to that in a second. Maundy Thursday is about the Last Supper and when you read about…

Deleted Sermon Scenes: Ukrainian Tutor

Sometimes as a preacher, you have to edit out the bits of sermons that just don’t quite fit. Sermons are a bit like movies or stories or poems in that you only have so much time to accomplish something. It forces you to be kind of ruthless with what ends up in the final draft and sometimes that means leaving something you really want to say on the cutting room floor. So,…

Christ-shaped Space (Lent Week 5)

If someone says the word “home,” what do you picture? Is it your current living space? Is it some idealized version of home that’s been absorbed from old TV shows like “Full House” or “I Love Lucy?” For me, the idea of home is tied to my grandmother’s house. I remember how the hunter green carpet felt on my bare feet, the sound of her little poodle’s collar as she pranced…

Worship Series – ChurcH

This is fallback content to display for user agents that do not support the video tag. Beginning on April 19, our worship services will be focused and themed around who we are as the Church. The worship planners had this series plotted out since February, and then the pandemic hit. Like everything else, COVID-19 has changed how we operate and minister as a church.…
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