Vacation Bible School
All children ages four through rising 5th graders are invited to this year’s scuba themed Vacation Bible school! Register online today to join us from Monday, June 3rd through Thursday, June 6th for a fun time of worship, games, and science experiments. A free dinner is served every night at 5:30, and VBS is from 6:00 to 8:30. Register online at…
Easter Egg Hunt and Breakfast
Cancellation due to Weather
Due to continued icy conditions in most of Oak Ridge, we will not be meeting in person for Sunday’s worship service. A recording of the service will be uploaded to the website when it becomes available. Please stay safe and warm!
Christmas Eve Service
Join us for Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service – a sweet time for families and our community to celebrate the coming of Christ.
Youth Choir
Thanksgiving Dinner
Pastor’s Study
Dec. 26, church office closed
The church office is closed so staff may enjoy Christmas with their families.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Dec. 23, church office closed
The church office is closed so staff may enjoy Christmas with their families.