Past Events (Page 9)

Past Events (Page 9)

Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday, March 31, bring the kids for the annual Easter Egg Hunt at 11:00. This is a great time to enjoy an activity with the children, celebrating spring and new life!

Good Friday Service

The Good Friday service begins at 7:30 p.m., intentionally late to coincide with sunset. The tone will be dark, the lights will be dim. Pastor Rory Naeve remarks “We observe Good Friday because we have to be reminded of the darkness before we can truly appreciate the light. We must feel the burden of the cross before we can feel the freedom of the empty tomb. We must come…

Come Walk with Me

This Sunday morning, walk with the Chancel Choir through the events of the Passion:   The entrance to Jerusalem, supper in the upper room, Jesus’ last farewell to His disciples, the unavoidable betrayal by one of the twelve, the garden prayer and the disciples’ inability to stay awake and watch. Scene by scene, from the triumphal entry to Jesus’ burial, composer…

Bible Heroes

Summer program for kids, K – 6th grade. This follows the Wednesday evening supper fellowship.

Blessing of the Backpacks

We will have a special time of prayer during our 11:00 a.m. service Sunday, July 30, for all students, teachers, bus drivers, office staff, support staff, and everyone else involved in this coming school year. We are asking that everyone bring their backpack, briefcase, or school bag to service on this special Sunday morning.