Come Walk with Me

Come Walk with Me

Come Walk with Me cover - a dirt road with a bright sky in the background.This Sunday morning, walk with the Chancel Choir through the events of the Passion:   The entrance to Jerusalem, supper in the upper room, Jesus’ last farewell to His disciples, the unavoidable betrayal by one of the twelve, the garden prayer and the disciples’ inability to stay awake and watch. Scene by scene, from the triumphal entry to Jesus’ burial, composer Pepper Choplin’s cantata dramatically depicts the passion, even to the lowering of Christ’s body into the tomb.

Then, pause and reflect “When I survey the wondrous cross … my richest gain I count but loss.” Listen to scripture in summary fashion: “There is no greater love than this: He laid His life down for his friends.” And finally, “How shall I measure to Your example, Your selfless love that never ends.”

The resurrection is depicted in a triumphant exclamation – “He arose.” Come and hear. Come and worship. Invite family and friends.